Monday, February 22, 2016

Baby Product Reviews

It's been a while, eh? I never actually got around to typing anything into this blog. To be honest, I actually kinda forgot I created it. I wish I had remembered sooner! Since 2011, a few things have changed, but the biggest is that we have welcomed our little baby girl, Aoife, into our lives in October 2015. She is an incredibly happy baby and completely been a dream - at least compared to what I've heard from others about their first baby experiences. I mean, I can't complain. She sleeps through the night and has done so since about week 4. She smiles when she's sick (oh yes, we've already had our first cold - thank you day care). She rarely cries or has fits. She takes a bottle like a champ (for everyone except me of course). Plus, she sleeps patiently when we go out places.

So now that you're jealous, I wanted to make sure I got some product reviews in, now that we've been using them for almost 4 months. Some of the stuff we registered for/bought ended up being a complete waste and some of them were unexpected lifesavers.

1. HALO Bassinest Swivel Sleeper Bassinet - Premiere Series, Harmony Circles
This one falls into the category of 'seemed like it'd be a great idea, but failed at execution'. I love how large the bed interior itself is and the handy pockets on the side. But baby girl wouldn't sleep in it at first and I'm assuming that's because of how much space and how little it felt like she was in the womb, especially with not being able to put blankets in there. So the first couple weeks, she slept exclusively on my chest. Now, I realize that's typically a no-no, but after the bad pre-eclampsia and it's subsequent affects on my blood pressure, me not sleeping = no bueno for anyone. The only way I could get it to go down was to get good sleep, so we did the whatever worked method and what worked was having her sleep on me. Mind you, I slept sitting up in bed. But anyway, back to the review. The legs on this thing are massive and hard. Makes sense so that it doesn't move all over while you swivel it, but it's bad for toes and feet when you want to, say, pick up baby, I still trip over them after 4 months. It would be so better if this thing had wheels, but for the design sake, they wouldn't be able to do it and make it sturdy enough. One other thing I'm not sure I like is the side that goes down. I wish it was able to lock in the down position or maybe lock in an up position.

tl:dr stats:

  • Lots of space
  • Storage pockets
  • Adjustable height
  • Swivel-y goodness


  • Huge, heavy legs 
  • Not movable as a whole unit
  • Not great for tiny babies
  • Unlockable side rail that moves up and down.
  • Weird shaped mattress, so must use proprietary bedding
Overall rating: Meh, C- 

This thing has been great. I wish I had taken it with me to the hospital, cause it would have made those first couple nights of hell so much easier when she wanted to eat constantly and the hospital pillows were impossible to keep on your lap. The only con is for a bigger person it's a little hard to keep the Boppy in place around your waist with baby's weight on it and eventually it does slide away from you. If the inside hole was slightly bigger, it would totally make up for it. But this thing is a complete arm saver. Plus, it's great for tummy time, propping and preparing for sitting up - definitely can get a lot of use out of it. 

tl:dr stats:

Big and comfy
Arm-saver during feedings
Washable cover
Cute cover Designs

Middle hole not quite big enough

Overall rating: Excellent! A-

3 & 4. Boogie Wipes & Boogie Mist

I didn't think these things would be worth the money. I mean come on, it's just moistened tissues. But after dealing with this first cold, these have been great. Being able to just pull that moist wipe out instead of going to wet something has helped speed up the process (which with babies, needs to happen on everything). The spray is helpful in loosening up that mucus so that you can actually get it out of them and help them get better faster, since there isn't much you can give an infant for a cold. 

tl:dr stats:

Easy to use
Speeds up clean out process
Must have for colds, especially on the go

A little pricey

Overall rating: Good. B+

5. Graco NasalClear Nasal Aspirator, 1 Count
At first, I thought this would be awesome, because that NoseFrida thing really freaks me out. But it definitely has it's limitations. The hole that is in the little tip, just doesn't seem big enough to grab all those huge boogers (who knew that a kid could make so many boogers in such a tiny nose?!). However, you combine this with that Boogie Mist I mentioned earlier and that little collection cup fills up like crazy! So during this winter where baby girl caught her first cold, this has been a great help. She also loves the music that it makes and some times we just use it to sing the songs without sucking things out of her nose. 

tl:dr stats:

Easy to use & clean
Fun music that baby loves
Better than sucking it out yourself!

Hole in the tip is too small
Needs to be used with saline

Overall rating: Good. B+

One more and then we'll calling it a day for now. More to come later on though...

One of the things hubby and I were at odds about was whether to get a convertible car seat or a travel system seat for our cars. So, since we had two cars, we split the decision and go both. I got the Chicco Key Fit 30 Travel System (to be reviewed later) and he got the Graco 4ever Car Seat. This thing is supposed to be able to be used all the way from birth til they no longer need car seats. So that sounds great right? But this beast is a PITA to use. The snaps on the seat are very difficult to get open and the straps themselves constantly twist and move around. The tightening strap is also difficult to loosen and tighten and I feel like it's always getting stuck. Add to it that once this thing is in the car, it's there for good. It does not come out - as much as the hospital wouldn't believe it. We almost didn't get to bring the baby home because they expected us to have the infant carrier to bring into the hospital. I'm hoping that this thing works out much better for us when Aoife gets older, but for an infant/baby, it's one of my least favorite things to use. 

tl:dr stats:

Nifty little cup holders
Grows with your kid

Difficult straps, snaps, clips and pretty much everything else
Can't take it out of the car/must carry infant around
Hospital isn't happy about them

Overall rating: Hard to use, D+